Develop mental strength

 if you attend 30 classes a month you will get a hundred percent of your money back if you attend at least fifteen classes a month you will get  50% of your money back and it doesn't matter if you are a complete beginner and intermediate or advanced level of learning because at lingo de you will find appropriate courses for your level no matter what I've actually been working on my Spanish bit because I eventually want to visit many of the countries in South America and my experience so far has been great what amazes me is the fact that the classes are very personal and small you are assigned a teacher to work with that personally guides you through the lesson and the average class size is only like three or four people which makes the lessons even more effective
 you can use coupon code PILL65 to get an additional 11 dollars off the deposit to join and the deadline to sign up for the lingcod language sprint challenge is March 24th so if you want to learn a language for what could potentially be free make sure you act fast ok back to the video the fourth thing you should be doing if you want to optimize your brains mental health is exercise now exercise is one of the more important things on this list because it actually does quite a lot of things that in turn will improve your overall mental health it’s long been known that regular exercise improves your sleep quality which as we now know is pretty important exercise also causes theism BDNF which again will help protect you from dementia Alzheimer's and has also been shown to slow down the natural deterioration of your brain as you get older not only that but exercise also improves your overall mood when you exercise regularly your body releases a variety of feel-good endorphins lowering stress and reducing anxiety the better your mood is the easier it is for you to focus and get things done on top of that recent studies have also started to point to the fact that exercise can affect your actual brain size.

 a study conducted in 2017 at the Western Sydney University found that regular exercise led to a significant increase in the size of the hippocampus which plays crucial role in learning and memory other studies also suggest that exercise can lead to growth in the prefrontal cortex and the medial temporal lobe which also play very important roles in long-term memory and interestingly enough self-control which in theory should help you build and break habits easier these are only some of the numerous benefits that exercise can bring to the table the point is if you want to improve your mental health you definitely need to be exercising and it doesn't have to be intense to our workouts at the gym every single day studies have found that simply doing some light exercise like jogging for 30 minutes a day can provide you with almost all of the benefits I listed above and finally number five on theist and the one thing that I considered to be the most important in regards to optimizing your mental health drum roll meditation now I know I know talk about meditation a lot on the channel but oh my there are just so many benefits a study conducted in 2012 used firm scans to look at the brains of people while they were learning how to meditate for the first time over period of eight weeks they discovered that meditation drastically reduced the amount of activity in the amygdale even randomly throughout the day this is the part of your brain that is responsible for negative emotions such as fear anger anxiety and even sadness which means that meditating can drastically improve your ability to control your negative emotions and like we discussed before when you are in a good mood it is significantly easier to study and focus and also to stop you from turning to your bad habits and thesis only one of the many reasons why meditation is good for your brain health because
another study conducted in 2011 published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences compared the brains of regular meditation practitioners with the brains of those who are completely new to it the focus of this study was on the default mode Network also known as the DM n which is the part of the brain that is most active when you are not focused it is the same part of your brain that is responsible for the random thoughts that pop into your head when you're daydreaming in class or when you ‘retrying to fall asleep at night the study found that those who practice meditation regularly have less activity in their DMN throughout the day and this is actually a good thing because it means that people who practice meditation are more focused on what's happening in front of them as compared to having their mind wander around and to top all of this off an interview was conducted in 2015 where Harvard neuroscientist Sarah Lazar stated that regular meditation leads to significant growth in three very important regions of the brain the first being the left hippocampus which again plays a huge role in your learning ability your memory and your ability to control your emotions the second being a region called the temporal Pareto Junction which deals with your ability to empathize with others and something called perspective-taking which is basically being able to perceive hypothetical situations accurately in your mind this is important because it allows you to plan and execute things more effectively the third and final region of your brain that meditation has been shown to grow is called the ponswhich is responsible for some of our major senses such as our ability to taste to hear motor control balance and even our facial expressions so in a way meditation will improve almost all of your overall senses all in all research suggests that meditation is one of the healthiest things that you can be doing for your mind especially if your main concern is about focus or self-control and these are the five things you should be doing in order to optimize your brain’s health sleep cutting out sugars exercising learning and meditation let me in the comments down below which one of these five he wants a start or work on today and besides that guys stay tuned

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